Hello Mr. Tracy,
 I would like to have your ear for the few minutes it will take you to read this, I won't take too much of your time.
I would like to ask you to reconsider your stance on medical cannabis in TN.

There are incredible health benefits that are available through this plant- the US goverment has owned the patent on it for 10 years- known as a neuroprotectant.

Cannabis has been a revered medicinal plant for over 5000 years not only in the Ayurvedic tradition but all over the world as well as being a sacred plant to indigenous cultures all over the world.
Cannabis was regulated as far back as the Babylonian culture.

Several studies are showing the cannabinoid system in the human body that requires the cannabinoid for optimum health.

Statitics show that alsohol, tobacco, and even our own food is much more dangerous to the human body than cannabis.

Cannabis is very common in TN- it has been our largest cash crop for 20 years running- we are idiots to ignore that.

The cannabis industry in this state is one of the largest in the country with an influx of mexican cartels moving into the area a few years ago ( according to the DEA reports for 2010 and 2011), creating a huge upswing in violent crime here in TN. This industry would not be riddled with violence and crime if it were regulated as tobacco, alcohol and fire arms are.

As the agriculture state we should be at the leading edge of new crops whether it is hemp or cannabis.

Current polls are showing over 80% of American support the legalization of cannabis- so why are you the politician not hearing that?

The revenue that could be generated with a taxing program could allow our state to either expand medicaid or help those TN's who are unable to get insurance under the ACA to do so. The revenues could be promised to schools, reahbilitation of prisoners, shelter for the homeless and on and on.

The industry of cannabis is very strong in this state, why do allow the black market to continue to reap the profits?

Our incarceration rates are simply unacceptable- the people of TN are our greatest resource in our state, we should be lifting them up rather than locking them up.

After incarceration there is no life for these individuals, a job is something that is a wishful thinking and they have no choice but to return to what put them in jail in the first place.

The American Drug War- the latest chapter in the cannabis historical timeline is a sham, it has been used to weaken the american people and take liberty after liberty away. Nothing has been accomplished, in fact drugs are more prevalent now then they were in the 1930's. It is an incompetant plan and I am afraid those who support are starting to be seen as incompetant as well. Politicians are voted in to be a voice for the people, not to push thier own agenda at the expense of the people.

The people have spoken, in Colorado- the supply of legal cannabis has been so stretched that they have had to ration sales so that they do not run out within 1 week of sales. The people have spoken- it is time for those politicians in the houses, senates and all the other offices to listen. The American People want cannabis to be legalized, the American people want control over thier own health and access to the medicine they choose to use, not the chemicals pushed by the pharmaceutical industry.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this and for all the work you do in our great state,


now one other thing I would like to add that I did not put in the letter- why would someone look at all these facts and still be AGAINST legalization?

Follow the money- in my mind, any politician still against the legalization is working FOR the blackmarket and lining thier own pockets at the peoples expense...