Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Chrysanthemum Stone Lets Talk Stones

chrysanthemum stone brings you back in touch with your imagination like no other stone can. This isn’t just a stone to stir your creativity, or get your creative genius ticking, this is a stone that guides you to a new appreciation for your own thought processes that you call your imagination.As you look at all of the situations in your life,working with chrysanthemum stone, they start to take on the appearance of a canvas, and the paintbrush is in your hand. 
When working with chrysanthemum stone it is hard to see any situation without your imagination kicking in and bringing new possibilities that you hadn’t thought of before.  The beauty of this stone is that it brings with it acceptance of your unique imaginative genius, a new feeling of confidence in allowing your own thoughts to get noticed, instead of the conditioned thoughts that your mind is filled with daily. This stone helps you to separate yourselves from others so that you can get back in touch with your own distinct viewpoint on any given subject. Being able to ‘step away’ and determine where you actually stand on a subject without any emotional interference from others is a very valuable step to creating your own reality, you have to know where you are in order to get where you want to go.