Wednesday, September 11, 2013

As we remember our fellow countrymen who fell 12 years ago, as we think of how this day has effected each of us, please go one step further on this anniversary.
Take that step and ask yourselves how the people of Iraq have been effected, how many children have been left without parents, how many mothers without sons, how many fathers are memories now. Where have they gone? Where do they live since the country has been destroyed, how do they eat, where do they sleep, who is teaching the children?
Ask yourself how the people of Afganistan have been effected, those innocents- as we are- those who have nothing to do with politics, war or democracy. And again ask yourself what these children have learned, they are the next generation.
Ask yourself about Libya and now Syria, is this war really worth it?
The world leaders of tomorrow are being shaped today, some of them have been well schooled, fed well, lived a life of peace, others are being shaped by drone attacks and strike preparations.
Please ask yourself what you want for your children today, your brothers children, your sisters children and the children of the world. We are not improving the world by glorifying a day of hate, we are not helping those that have already given thier lives by remembering this day a dozen years ago.
Most importantly today, please think about what your children are learning from you and your actions today, it is the greatest control over the future we hold- the power over our children's understandings.....

Peace be to all........