Crystal healing is an alternative therapy that has been used for thousands of years. It seems to originate in the ancient Ayurveda, as has much of our herbal knowledge. The original therapy assigns specific stones to planets that are then used to bring the energy of a planet to a more attainable spot for people. Throughout centuries and many cultures, we find different techniques of ways that crystals, stones and minerals have been used for healing and health. Such as the practice of putting a small gemstone under the skin permanently for protection or to heal anemia. The crushing and ingestion of stones as the inuits did with labradorite, believing they were ingesting the northern lights. The laying on of stones in the American Southwest became the norm, not only for humans but for the livestock and horses as well. Crystals, stones and minerals have been intertwined with health since we knew they existed.
Traditionally we can find documentation that tells us to crush and soak a diamond in water then drink the water for poison, drink alcohol from amethyst to protect from drunkenness and the liver, crush garnet and sprinkle on food for anemia. How do these stones work? What is it they are supposed to be doing when used in this manner? Is this magic and fairy tale or is there actually something to this?
If we look at our modern day world, we may find some answers. Crushing a garnet and ingesting it sounds pretty gritty, however it would have been mixed with food and that food would be full of iron once the crushed mineral is mixed in, a principle constituent of garnet. A diamond is pure carbon, by crushing it and ingesting it the ancients were using a very expensive form of activated charcoal, both of these have carbon as their base and absorb poison in the system allowing it to pass and not cause harm. If we break down Amethyst, Silicon is the major constituent, as it is in a contemporary drug named antibuse. Silicon can cause a reaction within our metabolism that is antagonistic to the effects of alcohol. So the ancients weren’t that far off in their thinking.
Crystals have not always been ingested for health, sometimes just carrying them, sleeping with them, bathing with them were prescribed. Pliny the elder, who was very outspoken on the “charlatans” using crystals for healing, did admit that emerald was the best remedy for tired eyes, one was to simply lay the emeralds on the eyelids while laying down. Now this sounds like just shutting the eyes is the trigger for relief, however lets dig a little deeper. Chromium is the chemical in Beryl which gives emerald its green color, Chromium deficiency is a real thing, and recent studies show us that chromium plays a role not only in eye strain, but glaucoma. Chromium is also bioavailable through dermal absorption, so Pliny was right, emeralds on the eyes DO cure eye strain in some instances.
Crystals and minerals have always been used by man for their chemical constituents, similar to herbs. This idea did not stop with the ancients and it isn’t limited to health and healing. In fact most of us do not realize that minerals and stones are a foundation in our society that we could not live without , at least as we know life. Everything about our life is connected to crystals in some way, all of our technology relies on these minerals and metals. Our cars, our computers, our telephones, guns, space programs, even our modern healthcare relies on crystals to function. Many of our pharmaceutical drugs are mined from the ground, such as lithium, all of our data rests on the memory of silicon, fragile equipment requires the high melting point of tungsten, the list can go on and on, but the point is crystals are still widely used within our society and the world as a whole.
What does all of this information mean to my practice of herbalism? Crystals are much like herbs in that they come from the earth, their value is in the constituents that make them up and there is an abundance of folklore surrounding them. Crystals also bring an energy with them, some people call this energy vibration. Crystal Healers have known for a very long time how to use the vibration of crystals for healing. The principle is simple, a higher vibration will raise a lower vibration to meet it. So if disease is a low vibration and a crystal is a high vibration, then exposing that disease to the higher vibration will help to eliminate the disease. Crystals and stones tend to regulate energies within the human body, Chinese medicine would call this energy “chi”, In the Ayurveda this energy is broken down into categories known as chakra’s, the use of stones on the chakra’s is another way crystals have been used historically for health. When we look at the ancient chakra system, we see that it is basically a blueprint that paints us a picture of how our conscience comes together with our human body, and blockages in any of these areas can and will lead to dis-ease.
Crystals are very complimentary to herbs, while herbs work on the physical symptoms of dis-ease, crystals work on the spiritual or conscious level of the dis-ease. There is absolutely no dis-ease that can occur within the physical body that did not start within our conscious body, it becomes a thought and manifests from there. It may have a series of events or exposures that are purely physical that “caused” it in the physical but it always originates on a conscious level. My father was a physician, he believed his most important role as a doctor was to make people want to get well, he knew that once the patient made the decision to get well, they would, no matter what he did for them. Crystals are the premier tool for helping our clients ‘want to get well’. Through my personal practice, I have found that crystals generally help one to become aware of the root of the disease, which can often be the first step in correcting it. I find that crystals assist clients in coming back to themselves and learning to listen to their physical bodies innermost voice, telling them what is wrong. Many crystals can have a physical impact, like fluorite which stays cool, so its a great ice pack, but most crystals will be working on an etheric level in a very subtle way. Perceptions change, beliefs breakdown, forgiveness comes. Below, I introduce some ways to introduce crystals into your herbalist practice and to your clients.
Green Fluorite Octahedrons: Use these for their naturally cooling properties. Fluorine, which is used in refrigerators to keep them cool is present in minute quantities, but enough that these stones remain cool and make excellent re-usable, sustainable ice paks. I keep a small bag of these in my fridge for extra cooling power, the best part, no messy melting and they can be popped right back in the fridge after use.
These are also excellent for inflammation in the joints, wearing them around the joints helps to reduce swelling and pain in arthritis or injury.
Clear Quartz: Quartz is energetically considered an amplifier. In fact quartz is piezoelectric, meaning that a charge can be set off when the stone is under pressure, this is how radios and other technology works. When we work with quartz that is exactly what we are doing, we are putting the clients energetic system under a pressure waiting for the spark, so quartz is usually used when we want to increase something in the body. Energy, hormone production, blood production, liver function, kidney function. There are as many ways to accomplish this as there crystal healers. Some use strictly laying on of the stones, some use chakra layouts, some add the quartz to their formulas (quartz is rare in that it poses no risks in teas, tinctures or waters. Most stones can leach toxic constituents so be very cautious with this). Anytime I see someone struggling with a sluggish thyroid, I not only reach for the adaptogens, I reach for quartz. A necklace, placing the quartz directly over the thyroid is a beautiful way to compliment the adaptogen formula that the client is using. In cases of premenstrual syndrome a quartz stone in each pocket can help to balance out many of the symptoms including inflammation and pain. Often times, quartz at the top of the head, the area of the crown chakra can help to dispel depression or grief and help one find inspiration again.
Turquoise : Historically Turquoise has been used for protection and health in many cultures across the world, before communication between these cultures. Most commonly used in the area of the neck, shoulders and throat, we find that turquoise has a cooling effect on sore throats, hoarseness, fevers, ringing ears, and even muscle pain in the neck and shoulders. Turquoise helps us to find our voice, to communicate those things we have kept inside to our own detriment. It allows us to not only speak up for ourselves, but to express ourselves, express who we are, who we came here to be. It is a stone that frees us from our own prison.
Garnet: Garnets come in many colors, however most of us are aware only of the red garnets. Each color gets its coloring from different impurities within the stone, the reddish orange colorations come from iron impurities. Traditionally garnets were mixed up with rubies and not recognized as any color other than red until the late 1800’s, when identification became more technical. Garnets have been used with anemias, wasting diseases and to increase appetite. They are excellent stones to help a client find their own power and to step into it on their own. These are very good stones to use with individuals who are in a victim mentality, the garnet will help empower them not only with responsibility, but success.
Lithium included Quartz : An inclusion in a quartz crystal is a foreign substance that the quartz crystal formed around. Some inclusions cause new colorations and some are left in tact, forever suspended in the stillness of the quartz. Lithium is a mineral that is mined from the ground and used extensively commercially, including by the medical field. This mineral gets ground extracted and reformulated into a medication that helps individuals with depression and bi-polar disorder. Lithium is believed to act as a post-synaptic serotonin blocker within the human brain. When using the included quartz crystal, I have found that it helps individuals identify and change negative thought patterns, mainly patterns that have to do with how they feel about themselves and their value. I recommend Lithium included Quartz with skin eruptions, reproductive issues, depression, emotional trauma and many more.
These are just a few examples of how to incorporate your crystals into your herbal practice, please visit my website’s resource page for more information on crystals and how to use them,
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