I paid my dues in healthcare. Twenty Four years in clinics, emergency rooms, minute clinics and doc in the boxes, my dues were paid. I learned a lot about the human race in those years, and was fortunate to have known what healthcare was before the gang raping of it with the pharmaceutical & insurance companies. That was a time when your physician knew your name, not your carrier, people went to the doctor when they were sick, they paid in full for office visits and paid on time for hospital stays. Fees in the first office I ever worked in ( my fathers), an office visits was $25.00, a simple lab test would be from $8.00-$30.00 max, an x-ray was $40.00. Most people were seen regularly for things like hypertension, depression and cardiac problems related to age. Quality of life was considered, not just quantity and Physicians were trained by other Physicians, not Pharmaceutical and Insurance Companies. A different time and a different era.
Yesterday someone mentioned to me that a mutual person we both knew had been approved for a new drug that had just come out. That round of treatment is going to cost over $100,000.00. What has happened? How do we get from $25.00 office visit to $100,000.000? I can tell you but you may have to stay with me over a few different blogs, today I want to show one example of a myriad of things that have happened within a healthcare system that at one time held a position as one of the top in the world, and as we are about to experience, now lies very low in the stats- world wide.
We all know about childhood vaccines, no one gets very far without either getting them, or plowing through a crapload of red tape to avoid them. Immunizations as a whole seem to be a clever idea, beat the virus before it beats us. Eradicate diseases on a world wide level, that sounds like an absolute admirable goal. It is a goal that several agencies world wide have taken up, a crusade of sorts, but just how do these crusades occur?
Well, measles, mumps and rubella have not always been combined and we will pick on the measles part of the MMR vaccine to start off with. Our first opportunity to work with a vaccine for measles was in 1963, that formula has changed a few times since. Prior to 1963, 3-4 million Americans were infected with measles per year. ( click here for report) Sounds like a a lot huh? Well, interestedly enough this number accounts for a very small percentage of the actual population at the time ( "about" .0002%). A huge propaganda campaign, and waa-laa, we have a gold mine! And a gold mine it is, in 2012 Merck, the maker of the most popular MMR vaccine claimed over 11 BILLION in revenue with a mention of the rise in vaccinations and immunology. ( click here for Merck Financials)
How dare I say that, people actually died from this right. In reality more women died from botched abortions, ( 47,000 deaths in recent years), than actually died from measles.
Why would I pick on something that is bringing health into our world? Because it doesn't bring health into our world, it is designed to bring wealth into Merck's pockets.
In 2012 the CDC reported 159 cases of measles nation wide. ( click here to see report), doesn't seem like many, seems like the vaccine is doing a great job! Eliminating measles just as it is supposed to.
However, one fact that was very difficult to find, it took several keywords for google, then a complicated downloading process, then a sorting process, then I had to count them myself process- yea one of those processes, that brought me to the info that there have been over 2300 adverse reactions reported to VAERS for that same year.
We have more adverse reactions to the vaccine then we do now, or ever did statistically from the disease.
Remember the 11 billion in profits Merck reported for the same year? That is the only real success of this campaign, Merck's profit margin. It really has nothing to do with you or your health.
Who do you think educates your current physician, it isn't who you thought it was. Merck, along with many other pharmaceutical and insurance companies have taken it upon themselves to re-educate our doctors and healthcare providers. They have evidence based science that backs up the need for expensive testing, expensive therapy, and above all else, expensive medication. Medication that goes through the routine FDA approval process of filing your forms with the fee, when the fee is right your drug hits the shelves, without ANY independent testing. I won't go into a lot of detail here just yet, I'm saving that for it's own blog, but I will ask you to think about this. Is is really in this companies interest for you to be HEALTHY? Vaccinations are a way for a company who depends on an unhealthy market to capture a segment of the healthy market, and not only capture them, but keep them.
We have been trained to trust our doctors, I invite you to start to trust yourself, your own research and your own common sense. After all, anyone can see it doesn't make a lot of sense to continue to have more adverse reactions than actual cases, it doesn't seem very cost efficient, or smart when we understand that these actual vaccines are nothing but a money maker for a very greedy industry.
A real epidemic that we could use some help with would be the opium dependance that is sweeping the nation, from prescription pain pills to herion. Oh, but these same companies are the ones making those drugs too, so I doubt we will see a decrease in this particular disease anytime soon.
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