Sunday, October 28, 2012

Crystaliscious Perspective on trademarked stones

Super Seven, Mystic Merlinite, Infinite. This names just a few of the stones on the market that are trademarked names of stones that are available in the world today.
Just what is a trademarked stone? Who buys trademarked stones? 

“A trademark is a word, symbol, or phrase, used to identify a particular manufacturer or seller's products and distinguish them from the products of another. 15 U.S.C.  1127. For example, the trademark "Nike," along with the Nike "swoosh," identify the shoes made by Nike and distinguish them from shoes made by other companies (e.g. Reebok or Adidas). Similarly, the trademark "Coca-Cola" distinguishes the brown-colored soda water of one particular manufacturer from the brown-colored soda of another (e.g. Pepsi). When such marks are used to identify services (e.g. "Jiffy Lube") rather than products, they are called service marks, although they are generally treated just the same as trademarks.” ( taken from the following website:
So a trademark is a marketing tool. A very powerful marketing tool in the metaphysical arena. These trademarked stones have been purchased in quantity, given misnomers,  registered with the US patent and trademark office, then have had beautiful stories written about the recent ‘discovery’ of them marketed worldwide for the purpose of selling them. These trademarked misnomers prevent other vendors from selling the same material under the trademarked name although it is the exact same material, often times of higher quality. The individuals that acquire the trademark often justify this by stating that they are paying for mass scale marketing and they do not want other vendors benefiting from it.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Crystaliscious Grids ~ Time, Space and Body Grids

There are many ways to implement the use of grids within your daily lives. Grids are a wonderful way to charge and bless food,water that we drink, plants, stones, altars, sacred space, pretty much anything you want to amplify that will fit inside a grid will benefit from the amplification of energy that is harnessed around it. Grids are wonderful around the bed to assist us with dreamwork. Grids can be used to clear a room of ‘old energy’ or even completely change the energy of a room! There is no end to the way we can use grids, it just takes some imagination.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Crystaliscious Perspective on White Moldavite or Elestial Calcite

Spring 2007 ~ I rushed out of work and traveled 32 miles at break-neck speed to get home and grab my newest stone I was crazy about. I knew it only by the name of White moldavite at that time. I had just purchased it from my favorite vendor in another state and felt a powerful impulse that I must have it with me for the evening activities. Juelle was doing a group channeling at the local metaphysical store, Cosmic Connection's and I had already confirmed my presence there.
As I arrived at the store and sat and waited for the show to begin, Juelle asked us how we were doing, I mentioned the stone I had in my hand and felt that it had to be there with me and that the work I was doing with it was teaching me about our DNA, how it is changing and how we can help to heal it. Juelle showed some interest in the stone and held it for a moment, gave it back to me and I felt the excitement in the stone that only a stone enthusiast can understand.
A few minutes into her talk she mentioned the stone that I had brought to the group, she even mentioned the work I had been doing with it. I squirmed in my seat, I wasn't ready to 'come out of the closest' with the activities I secretly did with my stones. I worked in a professional medical setting and still had some discomfort with people knowing how I really felt about stones.
At the break a young man came up to me and asked if he could see the stone, I handed it to him and he introduced himself, his name was Joshua. He asked if we could talk about the stone and I told him that my preference would be to speak outside where I could smoke, I again squirmed, smoking isn't something that goes over well. None the less he followed me to the porch and asked if he could hold the stone for the rest of the evening, he offered to let me hold his new treasure which he said he had just purchased as malachite on cuprite.
As we were returning to the group channeling I was stopped by someone, Joshua continued up the steps and I called out 'Josh, will you wait a minute?", he turned around ever so slowly and said ' It's Joshua to you."
Fast forward to 2009, Tucson Arizona, Late January, I had just arrived at the largest gem show in the world. Many things had changed since that day in 2007, I had only seen Joshua once more, I sold him a few stones, and gave him a gift stone of a very small white moldavite. A few days after he received the stones he called me and told me he didn't want to see me again, I wasn't really sure why but I knew that one day we would bump into each other again.
The job I had raced from went away and I was on my way to being a metaphysical store owner with a focus on the crystals. I cashed out all the resources I had and took the money to the gem show to stock my new investment. I had never seen anything like it, everywhere I looked there were tables and tents with glorious stones laying on the tables, on the ground even the hoods of cars. As I walked through the hotel lobbies, being directed into hotel rooms, I had a sense of the industry for the first time. I came to Tucson with a GIA diploma and 25 years in the medical industry, I left Tucson with an understanding of how huge the mineral industry actually is.
I had met friends in Tucson, who promised to show me around, they took to me one room in which I found the famed white moldavite. I stood there looking at it, not believing how inexpensive it was compared to what I had paid for the small piece I had. I bought up all that was on the table, only to watch them refill the table. I knew I would be the only one in the area with this material, I couldn't wait to show others what this material was and how it worked. I listened to the lady who told me the story of how this stone is found in the Mohave desert, by one single man who doesn't do anything to is other than scrub it with a brush. I was totally in awe of the stone and what I knew it had to offer to those of us who worked with crystals. Although I felt what I perceived about the stone was different than what others had written about it, I listened to them intently and made sure to memorize their interpretations of the energy of this stone as well.
I returned to Middle Tennessee and sold all the white moldavite that I had purchased in Tucson. All but one piece sold before I opened my store and that one piece that remained found it's new home during my grand opening sale, so I was on the look out for more material. Joshua just happened to walk through the door during the open house as well, funny how things happen, we are still together. I found  a supply of this material in 2010 at a vendors open house after he returned from his quest to the Tucson Gem Show. I purchased all I could afford to bring back to the middle Tennessee area. I no longer had a brick and mortar store, although I did still deal in stones, classes and sessions. I returned home, set my boxes on the shelves. The next day something very strange happened. The shelves fell. All of the shelves that held all of the specimens I had left for sale and the boxes I had just purchased just fell over, out of the blue. The mess that I walked into was surreal. Tumbled stones had been in bowls that crashed, specimens were laying under specimens, wood shelving was under that, dirt from some plants that had been on the shelves covered everything. I took this as the sign I had been looking for that I was not a stone dealer, I had other things to do. I cleaned up the mess, had a garage sale and continued in my classes and sessions finding other avenues for my customers to purchase their stones from. The white moldavite was not forgotten though.
I had decided I no longer would put my energy into stocking and selling stones, it had to go somewhere, right? I started doing research on the energy of the stones and how that energy interacted with our energetic fields as humans. I used white moldavite extensively in this research with very dramatic results. I kept finding that this stone worked on the physical layer of our etheric body on the level of our DNA, that is where we find the beliefs about what we are as humans and what we are capable of as a human being. These are beliefs that we come into the reality with, we do not have to be taught these beliefs. One day during my research I was holding a clear calcite in my hand, I noticed it reacted much the same way as the white moldavite. It made sense, after all white moldavite is really elestial calcite, right? I made a note of it continued on to the next 'experiment' without spending too much time on this observation. Until I ran across an article on the Internet. This article claimed that the material sold as white moldavite was a fake. It is simply clear calcite. I didn't pay too much attention at the time but the words stayed in the back of my head. I see many articles about stones being fake. It isn't that they are fake, the stones undergo treatments that most individuals aren't aware of, treatments such as acid baths, heating to various temperatures and sometimes even being soaked in oils or dyes. I don't agree with the treatments but they have been done historically for thousands of years and I believe I just expect them.
I didn't think too much about this anymore, I continued with the work that I was doing, making notes, writing classes and working on a book about the etheric body. Then one day a vendor comes through town with handfuls of white moldavite. I felt edgy about the white moldavite now, even though I had worked with it and had very impressive results, I didn't want to look at it, or buy any. I also didn't feel confident in telling others to buy it. Joshua my partner sat down and meditated with it and he felt that he  received the message that this stone is the premiere DNA stone, whether it is fake or not. I still didn't feel that we could honestly promote this stone until we knew for sure where it came from and how it was treated.
We decided to pull out our limited chemistry knowledge and play with some of the white calcite I had and see what we came up with. After about one hour of research we were able to pin down which acid should produce the desired effect on the white calcite. We went on our search to purchase hydrochloric acid, which we found out was the same as muratic acid that is available at pool supply stores. A friend of ours gave us a pint jar of this smoky pool chemical and labeled it because we wouldn't have time to do much with it for a few days. However as soon as we dropped the calcite into the muratic acid it bubbled and smoked and started to smell like sulphur, we then realized we should not have done this inside. We managed to get the bubbly concoction outside and added a few more stones, it started to fizz over the jar and out into the yard. As soon as the mixture stabilized we removed the stones and sure enough the ridging that the white moldavite is well known for had started to appear, a few more fizzy baths and we would have our very own home made white moldavite.
I couldn't decide if I was angry, disappointed, embarrassed, or all of the above. I thought of the people that I had sold this stone to in good conscious and now felt guilty. I thought of the work I had done in the healing room and now questioned it. I thought of the integrity that I try so hard to keep in the business I do with people and I felt shame. I thought of the trust I had in the people that sold me this stone and I felt humiliation for being duped. I thought of the stones in my healing room that I had paid enormous amounts of money for that were actually very inexpensive stones with an acid wash gone bad. I wondered how I could face the people that I had told this was an amazing stone to add to your healing room, that I had encouraged to spend their hard earned money on it, that I had promoted the qualities of this stone to. I added this to the list of 'snake oil' that 2012 seems to have been devoted to showing me.
All I can say about 'white moldavite' now is that it is a stone that actually does have properties, these properties as I have interpreted them work on the DNA level, possibly because it may be the DNA level of the stone that is damaged in the acid bath, I don't know for sure. I can let the people know that I sold this stone to that I am sorry, I will make sure in the future I know more about the origins of a stone prior to promoting it and encouraging others to use or buy it. I can also say that I would save my money that I would otherwise spend on this stone and buy a white calcite, the energy is similar, if you don't like it than dip it in muratic acid a few times, you will get your white moldavite at a fraction of the cost.
This won't make me stop loving stones, or stone people, but it will make me more wary. It also shows me that it is time for honest dealers, vendors and practitioners to step up to the plate and be more responsible about what we are selling to our clients. As someone who wants to continue to work in this industry I don't think we should overlook the dishonesty that we see with these modified stones. This doesn't mean we go on a witch hunt, it just means we educate our client base so they are not tricked by the dishonest people out there who are trying to make a quick buck. I for one will much more diligent in making sure I know what is passing through my hands or I am promoting to others, I hope others follow suit. If we educate our clients, those that are spending thier money on the stones, then we can be assured that these types of false advertising are no longer effective in an industry that seems thick with dishonesty and 'snake oil'.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Crystaliscious Creation with Saraswati

Saraswati is the deity that is associated with the sacral chakra. Once again there are hundreds of parallels that associate these two and we will only go over a few of them.

The sacral chakra is where all creation begins. Each and every human began their journey here on earth within a sacral chakra. The sacral chakra is located just below the navel.

Saraswati teaches us the vibration of the beginnings of creation, this doesn’t mean that we will learn a philosophical version of how this all started, ( but you might), it means that you start to recognize the singular vibration of creation. This is an extremely valuable skill for everyone to have.
What it means to you is that as you become familiar with recognizing the singular vibration of creation, you can start seeing where in your life you have been using this skill in an unmindful way. What you will notice is that you have been building the foundations of your reality with the building blocks of your perception. The root provides the platform, the sacral provides the interface with creation.

The stories of saraswati are varied, with a substantial decline in her ‘status’ after a period of history when the saraswati river dried up, coincidently there were many sects breaking off from the vedic sect, forming new traditions around the same time in history. I suspect that due to the creative genius that is the energy of saraswati, the leaders of the religious community were threatened by a congregation that understood they could create for themselves and downplayed her role to musical, artistic, studies and linguistic type talents.

Where Ganesha shows us to create without obstacles, Saraswati just shows us to create, there is no judgement of obstacles, it is still a creation. There is no objectivity within the vibration of creation, it just is. There is no discrimination or discretion within the vibration of creation, it just is. There is no desire in this vibration, it is just a simple vibration of creation that hums in the background of the entire universe, some people call it the ‘void of creation’.

The passion, desire, discrimination and objectivity within our creations are all separate form the singular vibration that is creation. Saraswati shows us through a myriad of stories that this is so, generally showing how emotions such as anger, fury and revenge can spur on the vibration of creation as well as emotions of passion, thirst for knowledge and love. The stories are designed to show us that we should keep our thoughts pure so our creations are pure.

It is also quite telling that the chakra that saraswati is associated with also has every one of the elemental Sanskrit letters corresponding to it as well, with the exception of the earth element. We spoke about how the earth element is the foundation for all the other elements, now we are going to talk about the other 3 elements and how they correspond with the sacral.
For creation to occur, something must spur it into motion (water) we must have a desire ( fire), we must have a thought ( air) and we must be able to push them (fire) into the flowing motion (water) of creation.
The actions of 3 elements are required for any creation to be put into motion, through thought or action.

Saraswati shows us that the vibration of creation is a fundamental frequency found within all of us, human, plant and animal alike. This frequency is consistent whether we are focusing on it or not. We are creating in every moment of our lives, whether we are focusing on it or not. Saraswati also shows us that the story does matter. 

There are many stories about saraswati, one that is quite entertaining is how her husband brahma was wanting her by his side he was ready to conduct a ‘yagya’ and the wife must be present. Saraswati was off creating something (life perhaps?) and Brahma became angry and took the first peasant he found to be his wife , her name was guyatri. When saraswati found out she cursed all of those present, those curses have steered reality for 700 generations! The story was intended to show us that creation has no bounds or discretion, and the story has been lived out by 700 generations, so we truly see there are no bounds or discretions in creation.

Saturday, October 13, 2012


Rhodochrosite is a stone that is about assisting one to let go of what no longer is helping us. This could include beliefs, habits of thought, or even others that are within our reality. Rhodochrosite assists us in identifying what is at the root of our fears and judgements of ourselves so that we can move on from them. When we work with Rhodochrosite we typically find ourselves reliving old painful memories, many times of childhood, but often times memories we aren’t even sure we recognize. These memories are just rhodochrosites way of asking you to look at what it is you are carrying around and decide if it is the way you want it, if not then change the way you see it. That is Rhodochrosite's greatest gift to us, it assists us in changing the way we see past events so that we can leave them behind, once and for all!

When we are finding ourselves within an emotional windfall, sometimes completely overwhelmed with emotions, maybe even paralyzed at times by them, Rhodochrosite can help us to identify and each emotion and categorize it so that we can calmly run through the list and decide what we want as if we have created a check list. This is a very valuable tool when one is working with the limiting belief that we have to heal our inner child, that there is a part of us that isn’t worthy of the forgiveness and compassion that we give to others or when we are repeating patterns of trauma within our reality. 
Working with this stone can help us to see that we are perfect as we are, our inner child helped make us who we are today, that inner child has triumphed over and over within our lives with each success, whether large or small. Our inner child cannot be wounded if we see the perfection of who we are, Rhodochrosite gently helps bring us into this frequency of beliefs.
When one seeks to forgive others, we are still seeing that something was wrong. Rhodochrosite helps bring you beyond forgiveness, for yourselves and others. Rhodochrosite can help one to see the actions behind the perceived wrong that has been done, and understand who’s creation and who’s limitation it truly is, when this understanding exists there is no need for forgiveness, because there is no longer a perception that any wrong has been done. 
Rhodochrosite will also make us aware of where we are repeating patterns of trauma within our lives. Many times we have difficulty in our early years and we learn and keep that pattern over various subjects within our lives. By working with rhodochrosite it will bring these patterns to the fore-front in order for you to look at them, realize the pattern and make decisions on how to make that pattern more efficient for your life. 
Rhodochrosite makes no bones about it, it isn’t about ‘getting rid’ of anything it is about finding the better frequency of beliefs within those subjects. If one use rhodochrosite with the intention of eliminating anything, it may leave the user with a tough row to hoe. Energy is Energy, rhodochrosite shows us how to master these vibrational thoughts and beliefs, shifting them from something that causes pain to a whole new perception that brings relief then joy.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Celestite ~ Crystaliscious perspective

Celestite is a stone that interacts with our third eye in a unique and groundbreaking new way. Generally we think of the angelic realm when we think of celestite, or we think of how we are able to connect to the best of those that have crossed over. But my experience with celestite has been that it is a stone that reflects the symbolism of the lotus. The lotus shows us a true gem that comes out of the mud. celestite shows us that within the worst of our creations is a true gem waiting to be found and washed up.
Celestite is a stone that shows us that the gem could not form without the mud. This shows us that all of the things we think are wrong with us, all of the issues we see within ourselves are truly our very best resources. The vibration of this stone shows us how to use those things that we see as our worst, or most negative aspects to our own advantage when we are creating our reality.
Celestite helps us to visualize the parts of ourselves that we judge to be wrong, to be low vibration, to be things we should ‘fix’ about ourselves and it helps us to re create that vision. Using the celestite we are able to see new aspects and  perspectives on the things that we had previously judged as wrong. Celestite brings the vibration of seeing who we are because of where we are, which is easily shifted to seeing who we want to be because of who we have been. This concept is one that assists us in the worldly wealth of intelligence. Intelligence isn’t about what we know its about how we use what we know. Intelligence cannot be taught, it can only be cultivated. Celestite shows us how to intelligently cultivate the person we want to be. Slightly different than sugilite that shows us we will be, celestite asks us to create that for ourselves, define our own boundaries, our own beliefs, and our own limitations of who we are.
Celestite is an invaluable stone for seeing new perspectives on old thought patterns. As we find ourselves tapping into the energy of the celestite what we find is that we are seeing the purpose of where we are, the experience we are gathering by the knowledge we are using. We see a new perspective on what our intelligence is, we learn a new energy of what our true resources are. Our true resources are the very things we consider our shadow selves, the very parts of ourselves we find hardest to accept. When we learn to see those parts of ourselves as the very best parts of ourselves we have mastered the art of alchemy. Using those parts of ourselves, once judged to be the darker side of ourselves, to bring energy in for the purpose of utilizing it the way we choose is an example of using our bull shit as our biggest resource.
As we learn to see our deepest fears about ourselves as our biggest energy boosts, we learn to use that energy boost in any direction we choose. It doesn’t mean that we no longer judge ourselves, it doesn’t mean we no longer see these parts of us as wrong, it means we recognize the value of the energy created by the very things we prefer to hold within ourselves. This means we learn that energy is just energy, it doesn’t matter what kind of energy we utilize, because when it is recognized as what it is, then we are able to see it for what it is, just energy.