Celestite is a stone that interacts with our third eye in a unique and groundbreaking new way. Generally we think of the angelic realm when we think of celestite, or we think of how we are able to connect to the best of those that have crossed over. But my experience with celestite has been that it is a stone that reflects the symbolism of the lotus. The lotus shows us a true gem that comes out of the mud. celestite shows us that within the worst of our creations is a true gem waiting to be found and washed up.
Celestite is a stone that shows us that the gem could not form without the mud. This shows us that all of the things we think are wrong with us, all of the issues we see within ourselves are truly our very best resources. The vibration of this stone shows us how to use those things that we see as our worst, or most negative aspects to our own advantage when we are creating our reality.